8-10 August 2008 – Bandung, ITB Campus
Building on the success of the first Arte-Polis in 2006, Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) is pleased to present Arte-Polis 2, an international conference and design charrette with the theme “Creative Communities and the Making of Place: Sharing Creative Experiences” to take place from 8-10 August 2008 in Bandung, Indonesia. This event is organized by ITB’s School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, in collaboration with the School of Business and Management, Research Center on Art and Design, and Research Center on Information and Communication Technology at ITB, together with the Center for Urban Design Studies in Bandung.
The aim of Arte-Polis 2 is to bring together academics, community leaders, local government officials, policy-makers and professionals from different regions of the world concerned with the quality of life and livelihood of creative communities in both urban and rural settings. Participants are expected from a diverse range of disciplines, including architecture, landscape architecture and planning, business and management, cultural and development studies, design and visual arts, digital media, information and communication technology, economics, geography as well as the humanities. Its objective is to share international experiences and knowledge regarding current issues, best practices and policy implications on the relationship between creative communities and place-making.
For the past two decades there has been a convergence between the realms of creative and economic development. In the process broadly termed creative economy, ideas and artistic qualities contribute towards a new development paradigm. In addition, a wide range of its activities are concerned with the production and marketing of goods and services that are infused with creative content. This phenomenon has shifted development approaches from a Fordist economic regime based on manufacturing to one that places high value on human creativity and innovation. In terms of the built environment, this paradigm shift to a creative economy has in turn influenced the formulation of policy and practice of development in both urban and rural settings.
In an era of globalization, activities of the creative economy such as fashion, film, television, theater, music, dance, visual arts, design, architecture, advertising, publishing, multimedia and information technology, have contributed significantly to local economy, community life and the creation of places in cities and regions. Such places have taken advantage of the trend in natural agglomeration of creative industries in the form of clusters, given that information, imagination, and cultural sensibilities are transmitted through them. This agglomeration of design and knowledge-intensive industries attain place-specific competitive advantages by utilizing local symbolic culture, which becomes embedded in products and processes that are value-added and unique in character. Together with this trend, carefully planned and designed places in cities and regions that offer life-style choices and amenities emerge as an important strategy for attracting talented people. These cultural places become hubs for creative communities, given that groups of creative professionals tend to cluster in places that provide not only the kind of jobs they seek but also the quality of life amenities they prefer. There remains, however, a gap between global and local settings, in which a framework is needed to situate cities and regions of emerging economies within this global phenomenon. Equally important is an understanding of how local knowledge of creative communities in different cultural and economic contexts, particularly in developing countries with their informal economy, contributes to this continuing discourse at both theoretical and practical levels.
This International Conference will critically examine and discuss the following issues :
(1) How and to what extent does the creative economy influence community development?
(2) How does this phenomenon differ in the cultural and economic contexts of cities and regions in developing countries from those of developed countries?
(3) How can creative industries be managed, planned and designed to improve the quality of places for their communities?
The two-day Conference on Friday and Saturday, 8 and 9 August 2008 is expected to be attended by approximately 300 participants with a total of over 100 paper presentations from 22 countries. The Conference theme of “Creative Communities and the Making of Place: Sharing Creative Experiences” will be elaborated through a number of Parallel Sessions with diverse topics, such as, but not limited to:
A. Architecture and Environmental Design for Creative Communities
– Creative clusters and place-making for human settlements
– Design and planning of public spaces for creative expression
B. Business, Management and Entrepreneurship for Creative Communities
– Creative leadership, entrepreneurship and management
– Financing creative ventures, organizations and partnerships
C. Craft Arts and Design of Creative Communities
– Creative design innovation and access to global markets
– Craft communities’ empowerment and public-private initiatives
D. Digital-Media and Information Technology for Creative Communities
– Creative converters of information technology in global communities
– Multimedia and virtual communities overcoming the challenges of digital divide
E. Education and Theoretical Discourse on Creative Communities
– Creative teaching methods for design and entrepreneurial education
– Theoretical discourses on creativity, community and place
F. Planning and Policy Development for Creative Communities
– Creative industries and implication on spatial planning policies
– Institutional capacity building for creative governance
The Design Charrette on Sunday, 10 August 2008 offers international and local participants the opportunity to collaborate and engage in an action-oriented place-making session that proposes visionary strategies for community development of a creative cluster in Bandung, with the goal of Reclaiming Lost Space under the Pasupati Flyover-Bridge.
The one-day design charrette will take on problems regarding the underutilized space below the newly built Pasupati flyover-bridge in the city of Bandung. Regardless of the controversy during the course of its initiation and construction, Pasupati flyover-bridge turns out to be an instant new icon for the city of Bandung. The construction of the bridge, however, has created a giant leftover space underneath it, particularly in one of the sections that used to be a very densely-populated urban neighborhood (kampung) in Bandung. Ironically, this once very dense and vibrant urban kampung has transformed into a desolate space.
Since the flyover-bridge’s official opening, there has not yet been a clear plan of action as to how this leftover space should be developed. As a matter of fact, it is now steadily transforming into a no-man’s land, which becomes subject to various mischievous uses. On the other hand, this area offers great opportunities to provide public spaces for the surrounding high-density neighborhoods, as well as other urban amenities such as park and recreational facilities.
It is therefore very critical that the local government take action to manage the left-over space as a public space for the benefit of all the city’s inhabitants. The space should be able accommodate people of the urban kampung surrounding the bridge, as well as creative communities of the city. This design process should be inclusive, whereby decisions should include all stakeholders’ aspirations. The objectives of the design charrette are to design appropriate solutions in accommodating various uses and in adapting to the physical constraints of the site. This design charrette aims to assist the City of Bandung in producing initial and innovative ideas for designing a public space under the Pasupati Flyover-Bridge. This design could act as a springboard for further design processes.
Arte-Polis 2 International Conference and Design Charrette is part of a larger network of events and festivities in Bandung throughout the month of August under the guise of HelarFest 2008, coordinated by the Bandung Creative Community Forum. As such, numerous other independent activities such as exhibitions, festivals, and art/music events showcasing the potential of Bandung’s creative communities will also take place in the city of Bandung during August 2008.
• Prof. Lily KONG, Ph.D. – National University of Singapore
• Prof. Surna T. DJAJADININGRAT, Ph.D. – Institute of Technology Bandung
• Prof. Setiawan SABANA, Dr. – Institute of Technology Bandung
• Em.Prof. Mohammad DANISWORO, Ph.D. – Center for Urban Design Studies and Institute of Technology Bandung
• Agus GUSTIAR, M.Sc. – West Java Provincial Government, Division Head of Industry and Trade
• Himasari HANAN, Dr.-Ing. – Institute of Technology Bandung
• Armein Z.R. LANGI, Ph.D. – Institute of Technology Bandung
• Indra B. SYAMWIL, Ph.D. – Institute of Technology Bandung
• Charles LANDRY – Director of COMEDIA, author of “The Creative City: A Toolkit for Urban Innovators” and “The Art of City Making”, UNITED KINGDOM
• Mari Elka PANGESTU, Ph.D. – Minister for Trade, Republic of INDONESIA
• Prof. Lily KONG, Ph.D. – Professor of Geography, Vice-President (University & Global Relations) and Director of Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE
• Prof. Masayuki SASAKI, Ph.D. – Professor of Urban & Cultural Economics, and Director of Urban Research Plaza, Graduate School for Creative Cities, Osaka City University, JAPAN
• Vin MORAR, M.Sc. – Lecturer and Enterprise Development Specialist, TSM Business School, University of Twente, THE NETHERLANDS
• Himasari HANAN, Dr.-Ing. – Head of Architectural History, Theory and Criticism Research Division, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA
• Armein Z.R. LANGI, Ph.D. – Head of Research Center on Information and Communication Technology, Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA
• Dwi LARSO, Ph.D. – Lecturer and Head of the Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, School of Business and Management, Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA
• Yasraf A. PILIANG, Dr. – Head of Design and Visual Culture Research Division, Faculty of Art and Design, Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA
• Abdul SOBUR – Director of Kriya Nusantara, INDONESIA
• Indra B. SYAMWIL, Ph.D. – Lecturer and past head of Housing and Human Settlements Research Division, School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development, Institute of Technology Bandung, INDONESIA
Mr. C. Landry as keynote speaker in Arte-Polis 2 supported in part by The British Council
Prof. M. Sasaki as featured speaker in Arte-Polis 2 supported in part by The Japan Foundation
A. Conference Early-Bird Registration (by 1 July) B. Conference Regular Registration (after 1 July) C. Design Charrette Registration
1 International – Professional US$ 200 US$ 250 US$ 25
2 International – Student US$ 100 US$ 125 US$ 25
3 Indonesian Resident – Professional Rp. 300.000,- Rp. 400.000,- Rp.150.000,-
4 Indonesian Resident – Student Rp. 150.000,- Rp. 200.000,- Rp.100.000,-
Conference Fee includes conference kit, Abstracts Book, Conference Proceedings CD-ROM, lunches, coffee breaks and Certificate of Participation. Design Charrette Fee includes charrette kit, lunch, coffee breaks and Certificate of Participation. Student certification required.
Bank details of the Organizing Committee, for transfer of payment:
BANK MANDIRI, KCP Bandung Siliwangi Bandung, Indonesia. Swift Code: BEIIIDJA
• US Dollars: Dr.Ing. Ir. HERU WIBOWO, MURP, IAI. – Acct. No. 130-00-0564603-2
• Indonesian Rupiah: Dr.Ing. Ir. HERU WIBOWO, MURP, IAI. – Acct. No. 130-00-0474754-2
Please add bank transfer charges to the Fee (as applicable) – fees do not include transfer charges.
Please write on message line: Arte-Polis 2 and your Full Name
Selected abstracts will be compiled in a book and, together with a CD-ROM of the Conference Proceedings, will be provided to registered participants at the Conference venue. Conference Proceedings in book form, containing Papers received by the above deadline, will also be available for purchase during the Conference.
English is the official language for all Conference business, including Abstracts, Papers, presentations and correspondence. Translation between Bahasa Indonesia and English will be provided during the Design Charrette day to facilitate discussion with and presentation to local stakeholders and/or municipal officials.
The idyllic campus of Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB) is the venue for this international event. The Conference will be held in ITB’s East Great Hall (Aula Timur), designed by architect Henri Maclaine Pont in the early 20th-century, while the Design Charrette will be conducted in the Architecture building.
For further information and inquiries, please contact:
Organizing Committee, Arte-Polis 2 International Conference and Design Charrette
Attn. Dr. Woerjantari Soedarsono, chairperson
School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development – Institute of Technology Bandung
LabTek. IXB. Jalan Ganesha 10, Bandung 40132, INDONESIA
Tel (+62-22) 250-4962 Fax (+62-22) 253-0705
E-mails: AND
Web: AND
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