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DGI Talk: Indonesian Graphic Design in the Face of Regional Economic Challenges


DGI Talk: Indonesian Graphic Design in the Face of Regional Economic Challenges

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2014
16.00–18.00 WIB
@Fresh ‘n Brite – Asean Youth Festival 2014
Kuningan City, Jakarta

Cecil Mariani
—Principal, 1221 Art/Design/Synthesis

Garth Parlimbangan
—Director, XM Gravity

Karna Mustaqim
—Visual Design Researcher

Max Suriaganda
—Chief Editor, Whiteboard Journal
—Creative Director, Studio 1212

Evelyn Huang
—Program Head, International Design School
—Curator, 168 Project

The issues are buzzing: Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA), ASEAN FREE TRADE (AFTA), brain drain, diaspora, foreign human resources, competitive advantage, nilai kearifan lokal, Badan Ekonomi Kreatif, Standarisasi and Sertifikasi, local-global, and many more. The national government is ‘appearing’ to be gearing up for these changes that many deem important or unimportant. Should we as ‘local’ professional and entrepreneurial agents of image making and identity builders prepare for the upcoming offensive? Or, is the preceding question reacting irrationally because we are ready—we’ve got the capable resources and equity. Or, should we resist and fight it? As such ‘identity’, national branding and creative economy issues come to mind, as well as many other related topics.

These are questions that we are going to explore within the limited time allowed. The objective of the discussion is not to pinpoint a correct answer or solution but to dissect the question further and provide windows of inspiration for the audience to act on the questions.


Limitations and distractions are hidden blessings

Nigel Sielegar