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FDGI&Friends#17: “Dari Desain Grafis menuju Distro via Branding”


Waktu: Sabtu, 5 Juli 2008, pukul 14.00-17.00
Tempat: Emax Store, Kemang Arcade lantai 2, Jl. Kemang Raya no. 20A

Vivi 0817 0012509
Oline 0812 9930680/021 98538382

Harga tiket Rp. 20.000,- untuk mahasiswa (dengan membawa kartu mahasiswa) dan Rp. 50.000,- untuk umum, dengan 50 buah goody-bag bagi 50 pembayar pertama.

Transfer pembayaran ke BCA no. 4671226202 a/n Caroline F. Sunarko atau Mendiola B. Wiryawan. Sesudah transfer harap mengirimkan sms (untuk dicatat) dan bukti transfer harap dibawa pada saat acara.

Nara Sumber adalah Mendiola B. Wiryawan dan Dendi Darman.

Akan dibagikan doorprize bagi pengunjung berupa buku “Kamus Brand” dari Mendiola B. Wiryawan dan “10 tahun 347/eat/unkl” dari Dendi Darman serta dibuka kesempatan untuk book-signing.

Peserta terbatas hanya untuk 100 orang jadi harap mendaftar dan transfer pembayaran secepatnya.









In 1996, a group of designers and artists gathered and shared their love for surfing, skateboard and design, where, at that time were not as developed as today. They create ideas of a ‘playground’ and a label called 347boardrider.co. Their initial designs described their love for surfing and street wear, also conveyed information about the life they were living.

Starting with selling clothing through special orders and catalogues, they finally opened a store in 1999, thus became the pioneer of Indonesia’s own label of clothing. 347boardrider.co blossomed and matured as its owners’ life continued, then the name changed into just 347. Not only inspired by surfing, their design got the influence from music, nightlife, art, and with avant-garde nuance that made them to their success in such young ages.

Unsatisfied with the media available at that time, 347 made their own medium which; not only promoting their products, but also fill the void and became another playground for Bandung underground youths. Their medium did something that other media did not, from covering the youth independent events, communicating the news from the other side of youth’s point of view, to ‘playing’ with their ideas. This medium is Ripple Magazine, which along the way, it releases itself from their company and made their own management until this day.

On the same year, 347 started to produce shoe line, called Indicator Shoes. Indicator shoes’ designs inspired by skateboarding and rock music. Before long, the brand became 347 second line, with products not only shoes, but also t-shirts and jackets.


In 2001, 347 opened the women’s wear, labeled Boyriders, but the line only lasted until 2002.

347 made a fast growth in 2002 and became a new culture of Bandung. The company created underground events and parties that turned out to be an alternative or subculture from what was mainstream at that time. Their love of electronic music and beaches created an event, DISTANCE, the first outdoor rave event in Indonesia located in Batu Karas, West Java.

The name ‘347’ evolved to be 347/eat in 2003; then became just eat. The company opened stores in Malang (East Java), Singapore and Australia. On this year also, 347 launched a project; based on Dendi Darman’s (a co-founder) love of Andy Warhol’s project – The Velvet Underground and Nico. Initially, the project was to form a band, but due to their ‘limited’ skills of music, the project turned into an ‘affair’ of a new women’s line, with Raiki as the designer and labeled Eat and Nico.

347/eat uses many propaganda concept for their released designs, such as ‘we are what we eat’ (2002-2004) which is a concept and work from Dendi Darman about the things that influenced his life, seen from inter-personal side of him. Between 2004-2005, 347/eat released a concept; ‘is this eat?’ The concept talked about the people’s understanding of the brand. On the following years, 347 launched an idea, taken from the understanding and evolution from each of individual inside the company, then made this as a propaganda concept; ‘I, Xeroxed, Avant-garde, Floppy, Friends and eat’ also ‘I, Dancefloor, 7inch, mc808, Happy, Friends and eat’ and others.

On their steps to maturity, 347 also experienced many predicaments. One of them are an internal conflict of the company, which made one company torn into two; both ran by the same name.

By the end of 2006, 347/eat developed into UNKL347, and made a tagline of ‘after ten years, friends call us uncle’. The tagline also tried to explain to the consumers about what happened inside the company.

The year of 2007 become UNKL347’s with its many breakthroughs and developments; which made them an exemplary from other similar companies. UNKL347 opened up a new division, aimed at the interior sector and no-table designs. This division titled ‘UNKL Scandals and Affairs’. The company also became a partner of Lomonesia with the aim of making LomographyTM more acknowledged in Bandung. The company also opened up a new sector, to merit the achievements of Inong (skateboarder, UNKL347 rider for 10 years) in skateboarding world. The sector launched custom-made skate decks, labeled 347ply. The sector ran by Inong himself.

Until today, UNKL347 is still trying new things and smiling!

Posted by Caroline/FDGI (Forum Desain Grafis Indonesia).


“Seorang desainer harus memiliki keberpihakan pada konteks membangun manusia Indonesia. Peka, tanggap, berwawasan, komunikatif adalah modal menjadikan desainnya sebagai alat perubahan”

Arif 'Ayib' Budiman