Mapping Local Knowledge for the Future of Creative Industry
oleh: Desain Grafis Indonesia
1. Ayip Bali (Bali Creative Community)
2. Ismiaji Cahyono (Bureau Chief DGI)
Rahmatsyam Lakoro, S.T., M.T. (Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November)
16.00-17.00 WITA
sesi Plennary Session 3
Cambria Ballroom Fave Hotel
Denpasar, Bali
Informasi tiket: Registrasi ICCI 2015
Creative Industry (CI) is an industry which its economic value is primarily obtained by the exploitation of ideas, resulting in intellectual property. The growth of the creative industries is highly dependent on the country’s creative economy policy.
“Creative Economy” is an economic concept in the new economic era that intensifies information, ideas and creativity by relying on stock of knowledge of human resources as the main production factor in economic activities. World economic movement has transformed rapidly from relying on natural resources into human resources, from the agricultural era to the industrial and information era.
The development of economic mode in third world countries is not necessarily like that experienced by developed countries. In developed countries, the stage of economic development was started from the era of agricultural economics, then industrial economics, followed by information economics, and next the creative economics. While in developing countries, those four stages of economics mode are running simultaneously in parallel.
This phenomenon lead to a different approach needed to encourage growth of creative industry in developing and developed countries. Complexities faced by creative industry caused by this different context are important issues to be discussed by both the industrial and academic institutions in developing and developed countries, as it could affect strategies and policies to develop creative industry. International Conference of Creative Industry (ICCI) enables opportunity of sharing among all stakeholders in the creative industry.
ICCI is a biennial conference organized by the Industrial Design Department – Institut Teknologi 10 Nopember Surabaya. ICCI aims at providing an overview of multi-disciplinary issues of creative industries regarding the creative economy era.
The 1st ICCI was held on 11th March 2011 at Sanur, Bali, 30 institutions. We’re pleased to inform that The Minister of Cooperative and Small Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia was coming to officially open the first ICCI. The 2nd ICCI conference was held on the 13th of November 2013 in Surabaya, East Java, Indonesia.
Furthermore, ICCI can be:
– a reference for policy makers related to creative industries, in order to exchange information on current issues and challenges facing creative industries.
– a forum to establish a network among stakeholders of creative industries.
– a prestigious publication channels for academics and researchers in the field of creative industries.
It is our pleasure to welcome you to the the 3rd International Conference on Creative Industry on 11th – 12th August 2015 in Bali. The Theme of the 3rd Conference is “Opportunity and Challenge of Creative Industries in the Era of Global Free Trade”.
International Conference of Creative Industry 2015
Some nature is better polluted by design and art