Works of any form of design carried out by students usually disappear into drawers after a presentation to a relatively small college audience.
There the work remains invisible to outside eyes.
We want to change that.
: output is the biggest international competition for students in design.
The works selected by the jury will be published in the yearbook : output 11.
Any work related to an area of Visual Communication, such as: Graphic Design, Product Design, Architecture, Photography, Illustration, Typeface Design, Installation Design, Multimedia, Moving Image and Television Graphics is eligible for submission.
The next call for entries will start in november 2007.
The Deadline for submission will be february 2008
: output organizes every year the biggest award for students in all fields of design worldwide.
In 2006 more than 700 students from 43 different countries have submitted projects to the competition. An international renowned jury selects the works to be published in the yearbook : output and gives gold, silver and bronze awards for the most outstanding projects.
With the competition the : output foundation …
… fosters young talents (also from countries which are usually not on the map of the international design community)
… becomes a radar for new ideas and developments in design
… creates a debate about the future of the design profession
The editorial board of : output
Florian Pfeffer, Amsterdam
is the director of the : output foundation and member of the editorial board of : output. Florian is a partner of the design studio jung + pfeffer with offices in Amsterdam and Bremen. He also is a professor for communication design at the Hochschule für Gestaltung in Karlsruhe (Germany). He is a regular speaker at design conferences and has been teaching at universities in Germany, USA and Lebanon.
Friederike Lambers, Amsterdam
is member of the editorial board of : output and is responsible for the organisation of the : output competition and the yearbook : output. Friederike is a partner of the design studio jung + pfeffer with offices in Amsterdam and Bremen.
Jonathan Barnbrook, Designer, London, uk
Polly Bertram, La SUPSI, Lugano, ch
Irma Boom, Designer, Amsterdam, nl
Linda van Deurssen, Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam, nl
Hans van Dijk, Rhode Island School of Design, us
Richard Doust, Royal College of Art, London, uk
Debra Drodvillo, University of Arts, Philadelphia, us
Gert Dumbar, Designer, Rotterdam, nl
Denise Gonzales Crisp, North Carolina State University, usa
Maria Gonzales de Cosio, Universidad de las Americas Puebla, mex
Neil Grant, Manchester Metropolitain University, uk
David Grossmann, Vital – Tel Aviv Center for Design Studies, is
Laurie Haycock Makela, art center college of design, pasadena, us
Steven Heller, School of Visual Arts, New York, us
Ken Hiebert, University of Arts, Philadelphia, usa
Werner Jeker, école Nat. Supérieure des Arts, Paris, f
Eckhard Jung, Hochschule für Künste, Bremen, d
Sadik Karamustafa, Mimar Sinar Üniversitesi, Istanbul, tr
Hanny Kardinata, Universitas Pelita Harapan, id
Andrzej Klimowski, Royal College of Art, London, uk
John Kortbawi, Notre Dame University, Beirut, lb
Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Yale University School of Arts, New Haven, us
Bill Longhauser, University of Arts, Philadelphia, us
Victor Malsy, Fachhochschule Düsseldorf, d
Leila Musfy, American University of Beirut, lb
Kali Nikitas, Minneapolis College of Art and Design, us
Peter Rea, Hochschule für Künste, Bremen, d
Hans-Dieter Reichert, University of Reading, uk
Makoto Saito, Designer, Japan, jp
Louise Sandhaus, California Institute of the Arts, usa
Ahn Sang-Soo, Hong-Ik University, Seoul, kr
Marian Sauthoff, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, sa
Robyn Stacey, university of western sydney, aus
Serge Serov, High Acad. School of Graphic Design, Moscow, ru
Erik Spiekermann, Designer, Berlin, d
Felipe Taborda, Univercidade Ipanema, br
Kan Tai-Keung, Designer, Hong Kong, chn
Teal Triggs, London College of Printing, uk
Chris Vermaas, Designer, Amsterdam, nl
Omar Vulpinari, Fabrica, it
Xiao Yong, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, chn
: output is a yearbook publishing the works of the best students in design from all over the world covering communication design, architecture, products, interaction design, moving image and photography.
The book is a radar for future developments in design – both formally and conceptionally. It is a sourcebook for professionals as well as for students and educators. Promoting the idea of “design thinking”, : output fosters the development of projects with a social, economical, ecological, political or cultural relevance.
In practical terms, for many students a publication of their work in : output is an important stepping stone for their future careers.
For your copy of : output please contact our publishers:
Verlag Hermann Schmidt Mainz (Germany)
phone: +49.(0)6131.506030
: output ISBN 3-87439-684-3
BIS publishers
When you do what you like, you won’t get sick of it too long, if ever.