Bila berkunjung ke Tokyo, teman saya bilang janganlah lupa mengunjungi dan belajar tentang sejarah desain dan perkembangan mutakhir desain di Jepang dalam arena kancah internasional. Kita akan dibuat terhenyak dan terkagum-kagum akan hadirnya Museum Desain di Jepang. Museum Desain bernama 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT ini diprakarsai oleh Desainer Issey Miyake dan didukung oleh Desainer Industri Naoto Fukasawa, Desainer Grafis Ken Miki dan Arsitek otodidak Tadao Ando. 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT dilahirkan tidak sekedar sebagai museum, walaupun menyimpan segala informasi mengenai sejarah desain di Negara Matahari Terbit ini…mulai dari Desain Industri, Grafis sampai dengan Desain Busana, tetapi juga pusat riset desain bagi kebutuhan masyarakat banyak.
Darimana asal nama 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT? Desainer Taku Satoh menjelaskan: The word “sight” has a number of meanings including the ability to see, one’s field of vision or views, and to decipher or divine. A discerning eye and superior insight are essential to creating good design. In English, perfect eyesight is referred to as “20/20 vision”. We combined these various meanings to come up with the name 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT, meaning to see beyond today and into the future. The numbers are connected with an underscore, with DESIGN SIGHT in capital letters.
Situs Resmi 21_21 DesignSight, Tokyo
Ide sederhana dan segar dari 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT ini juga bisa menjadi embrio ide bagi Situs DGI (Desain Grafis Indonesia) untuk memulai memikirkan hadirnya akses informasi yang lebih permanen dan bisa dinikmati orang banyak di bumi Indonesia. Sengaja artikel ini saya hadirkan khusus bagi para desainer dan akademisi (terutama Bung Arief Adityawan) yang sedang memerlukannya.
Tokyo Midtown is also the home of Design Sight 21_21, a design gallery/workshop created by fashion designer Issey Miyake and architect Tadao Ando. “The idea was to create not only a museum that shows exhibits,” says Ando, “but also a place for researching the potentiality of design as an element that enriches our daily life, a place that fosters the public’s interest in design by arousing in them different sights and perspectives on how we can view the world and the objects surrounding us. The building, designed by Ando, is on the edge of the park area, and features 1,700 square meters (18,300 sq ft) of floor space, including two galleries and an attached cafe run by chef and restaurateur Takamasa Uetake. The split-level concrete structure includes a hand-sanded steel roof (whose design was inspired by Issey Miyake’s A-POC (“A Piece of Cloth”) concept) and 14-meter long glass panels. (Sumber: Wikipedia).
Ketika dari mata tak turun ke hati, desain pun gagal total