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“De Paris à Jakarta”


Dear Friends,

We cordially invite you and your partner to the opening of a collaboration France & Indonesian Artists on their journey “DE PARIS A JAKARTA”.

Gallery National

Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur No 14A

Jakarta Pusat

On Wednesday, 30 April 2008
7 p.m.

Come and join us on this remarkable event and witness the works of Pirous A.D, Erna G. Pirous, Srihadi Soedarsono, Farida Srihadi, Kaboel Srihadi, Abas Alibasyah, Umi Dahlan, Anna Zuchriana, Paul Kadarisman, Rotua Magdalena P Agung, Hardiman Radjab, Hanafi, Hafiz, Isandra Matin Ahmad, Antonius Widodo, Budi A Nugroho, Yogi Ahmad Ginanjar, Harry Darsono, Awan Simatupang, Hermawan Tanzil, Yusra Martunus, Kokok P Sancoko, Nus Salomo, Erianto, Patrick Cornelius Wowor, Ahmad Sobirin, Mochamad Rizal Fauzi, Hasan Basri.

Looking forward to see you at the opening



“Noir sur Noir” by Hermawan Tanzil

“Noir sur Noir” by Hermawan Tanzil

“De Paris à Jakarta” is a Visual Arts Exhibition as one of the cultural events from Centre Culturel Français (CCF), starting from May 1st to May 13th, 2008 at the National Gallery of Indonesia exhibiting the works of art of the renowned 28 French artists such as Cueco, Hartung, Arp, Vasarely, Delaunay, Soulages, Kandinsky and also inspired art creations from 21 Indonesian artists of Harry Darsono, Andra Matin, Paul Kadarisman, Hermawan Tanzil, Awan Simatupang, Nus Salomo, Hanafi and many more along with paintings made by the Indonesian artists of the sixties. In this unique collaboration, LeBoYe is pleased to present “Noir sur Noir.”

So come and see us at “De Paris à Jakarta”!


“Imajinasi yang liar lebih kuat dari lirik yang sok mau jelas.”

Slamet A. Sjukur