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:output lab

lab33connecting economy and talent

The perfect state of creative blizz is
when you know nothing (you are 9)
and you have power (you are 50).
This guarantees a perfect outcome.
Tibor Kalman

The : output lab is part of : output and connects companies/instutions (you are 50) with students (you are 9) and colleges through innovation projects.

The : output lab organizes competitions, design labs and trend studies in which the special working methods and unusual points of view of students from different disciplines meet experienced and professional organisations. Over the past years some of the most renowned companies and universities in different countries have participated in : output projects.

For companies/institutions: innovation and networks
> learn from the innovation potential of colleges/students
> develop new ideas about products, services, communication and trends
> work with students from different disciplines, colleges and cultures (this can be interesting in particular for design and architecture oriented companies)
> turn results into communication

For students: experience and projects:
> collect experiences
> make contact to the professional world and to students
> of other disciplines/colleges
> work beyond superficial, commercial interests
> work beyond superficial, commercial interests but for questions of the
> real world

The : output lab does not initiate projects which can also be done by professional agencies and design studios. Also, working with the : output lab is not a cheap way to get good design solutions. We develop our projects in close collaboration with universities as well as companies and make sure through our experience and network that everybody wins from those projects.

If you are interested in a project with the : output lab, please contact us. We work with you to explore individual possibilities of cooperation with students/colleges.

: output lab
Friederike Lambers
Keizersgracht 8
1015 CN Amsterdam
T 0031-20-4279020


The fate of a designer is not determined by the public system, but by the way he sees his own life

Surianto Rustan