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Make your work visible …
Works carried out by students usually disappear into drawers after presentation to a relatively small college audience. There the work remains invisible. We want to change that. : output is the biggest international competition for students in design and architecture. The works selected by the jury will be published in the yearbook : output.
The registration for the competition 07/08 will open on dec 7, 2007.
The Deadline for submission will be february 15, 2008
: output Grand Prix (3.000 Euro) and
Print Creativity Award (3.000 Euro)
For the first time this year the winner of the : output Grand Prix will be awarded a scholarship of 3.000 Euro (about 4.500 $)
Also for the first time this year the “Print Creativity Award” will be presented as part of the competition : output in cooperation with the Sternberg foundation. The winner of the Print Creativity Award will also receive a scholarship of 3.000 Euro.
: output Grand Prix: 3.000 Euro
For the best student work of the year
For the first time this year, the jury will honour the best work from all submissions to the : output competition with the : output Grand Prix. The winner will receive a scholarship of 3,000 euro (currently about 4,500 US$).
The : output Grand Prix will be presented on the occasion of the International Trade Fair DRUPA in May/June 2008 in Düsseldorf/Germany. We look forward to inviting the winner to Düsseldorf for the award ceremony. We would like to express our gratitude to the Sternberg Foundation for organising the ceremony.
The aim of this scholarship is to foster talented young designers, and also present to a broader public the high quality work undertaken at design colleges and art schools.
How can I participate?
Terms and conditions
Please note: The registration for the competition 07/08 will open on december 7, 2007!
Download entry form entryform0708.pdf
Who can participate?
Anyone who is currently studying communication design, product design, architecture, interaction design or film at a university or a college is eligible to participate. Students who have graduated within the last 12 months may also submit final degree works.
What can you submit?
Any work, which has been produced as a student project, is eligible for submission. The work may not be older than one year. The project does not have to be published. Work related to any area of design and architecture, such as: graphic design / architecture / product design / typography / photography/ illustration / typeface design / multimedia, moving image and television graphics / experience design is eligible for submission.
Deadline for submissions
Latest date for submissions is February 15, 2008 (date of postage).
: output Grand Prix
All projects submitted to the : output competition will be eligible for the : output Grand Prix. The winner of the : output Grand Prix will be chosen by the jury and will receive a scholarship of 3,000 Euro. We reserve the right for the jury, however, to allocate the prize money in a manner they deem appropriate.
Print Creativity Award
The Print Creativity Award is organized in cooperation with the Sternberg Foundation. All projects submitted to the : output competition will be eligible for the Print Creativity Award. The winner of this award will receive a scholarship of 3,000 euro. Additionally up to four scholarships of 500 euro each may be given to students who have received a Print Creativity Award honorary distinction. The jury will nominate the winner and the honorary distinctions of the Print Creativity Award in accordance with the award criteria. The Sternberg Foundation Board of Trustees will select the award winner together with the honorary distinctions. We reserve the right for the Board of Trustees, however, to allocate the prize money in a manner they deem appropriate.
The Jury
All works to be included in the yearbook : output, the winner of the : output Grand Prix and the nominations for the Print Creativity Award are selected by an international jury of renowned designers and educators. We reserve the right to appoint jury members differing to our annoucements in case this should be necessary due to external circumstances.
How to make submissions?
All works (except interactive/film) must be submitted as digital reproductions. The images must be jpg-images (1024 x 768 pixel; 72 dpi; RGB). A maximum number of 8 jpgs can be submitted per work. The images must be submitted through our online upload (you can find instructions in the registration area) or on a CD-ROM/DVD. The images have to be in one folder being named “image1.jpg”, Nimage 2.jpg”, Nimage3.jpg”. We do not accept images send as attachment of e-mails and also not files larger than specified above.
Interactive/Film projects must be submitted on a CD ROM or DVD for Macintosh. Please do not send videotapes.
The name of the student and the titel of the work have to be written on the CD (please do not use stickers!!!)
We cannot return any submitted material.
On an extra sheet, please provide a short description of each work giving information on its background.
Group entries
If this is a collaboration, please provide all names of the participants.
What are the fees?
The fee is kept to an absolute minimum, and is used only to finance the organisation of the project. All works selected for publication will be printed free of any further charges.
Entry fee per work: 25 Euro
Unfortunately we are unable to accept any currency other than Euro or US$ at the exchange rate on the day of payment.
My package to : output: Entry form and payment form
No matter if the data for a submission has been uploaded
on our server or send by post on a CD/DVD: One entry form for each work has to be completed and send to us by post.
Also enclosed has to be a completed payment form (if you use the online registration the payment form is part of the entry form).
Payment is possible by Pay-Pal (only with online-registration), credit card, bank transfer or cash.
In concrete terms:
What needs to be included in my postage package to : output:
1. One entry form for each project
2. A description of the work for each project
3. CD ROM/DVD (if you have not uploaded the project onto our server)
4. One payment form for the whole package (if you register online the payment form is part of the entry form).
Your submission must be complete, otherwise it cannot be processed!!!
Submissions are to be sent to:
: output foundation
Keizersgracht 8
1015 CN Amsterdam
The Netherlands
or from USA:
Otis College of Art and Design
Department of Communication Arts
Kali Nikitas
: output Submissions
9045 Lincoln Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Please mark the outside of package with: “Art for contest. No commercial value.“ (important for customs!)
Any questions are to be directed to:
t: +31.(0)20.4 27 90 20
f: +31.(0)20.6 27 44 77
last change: 2007-12-02
Print Creativity Award: 3.000 Euro
for new concepts for print media
For the first time this year, the “Print Creativity Award” will be presented, in cooperation with the Sternberg Foundation, as part of the competition : output. The winner will be awarded a 3,000 euro scholarship. Additionally, the Sternberg Foundation will provide up to 4 scholarships worth 500 euro for projects which have received a special distinction from the jury.
This prize is intended to award those works which show new possibilities in working with print media. We are looking for concepts which cross the borders of print technology and connect to other media. For example, the connection between print and mobile communication, interactive media, unusual materials (e.g. for packaging) or three dimensional space.
All projects submitted to : output are elegible for the Print Creativity Award as well as for the : output Gold Award.
The Print Creativity Award will be presented on occasion of the international trade fair DRUPA in may/june 2008 in Düsseldorf/Germany. The Sternberg Foundation is looking forward to invite the winner to Düsseldorf for the price ceremony.
Support : output and enjoy advantages
Become a friend of : output
Become a friend of : output:
+ save money on entry fees (as a student)
+ get a free book
: output is a non-profit organisation and is made with a lot of idealism and love by many people (editors, supporters, jury members, interns etc).
By becoming a friend of : output you can continuously support the foundation with an annual contribution of 45 Euro. Like that you help us keeping entry fees for students to the competition low.
Students who are friends of : output can submit work for free and get a free copy of the current : output book (: output 10, 2007)
The Sternberg Foundation
has been founded 1989 by Dr.-Ing. E.h. Hubert H.A. Sternberg. The foundation is aiming to foster talentes students, apprentices and young employees in media professions as well as in the print and paper industry. Each year the foundation awards outstanding apprentices with an “apprenticeship prize” and an excellence prize for research projects in the field of design and engineering.
“Keberhasilan merancang logo banyak dikaitkan sebagai misteri, intuisi, bakat alami, “hoki” bahkan wangsit hingga fengshui. Tetapi saya pribadi percaya campur tangan Tuhan dalam pekerjaan tangan kita sebagai desainer adalah misteri yang layak menjadi renungan.”